

Your Personal Idea Generator

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InspireNote is an iOS app designed to help you brainstorm more effectively and creatively. It offers 100+ creative cards to help you approach problems from different perspectives. You can use these cards as hints to generate new ideas. If that’s not enough, you can even create your own brainstorming cards.

InspireNote is also a lightweight note-taking app where you can capture all your ideas, allowing you to refine and develop them over time.

Creativity isn’t a natural-born talent. It’s like a muscle. With daily practice, it grows stronger. Boost your creativity with InspireNote now ! Let it be your trusted partner in developing your creative thinking.

创意便签 是一款帮助你更有效地进行头脑风暴的应用。我从过去经典的创意设计方法中,提取了最有效的创意思维角度和方法,最终制作成包含 100 多张创意卡片的卡牌游戏。你可以随意地抽取卡片,与当下你的大脑进行碰撞,产生新的点子。同时,创意便签 还是一款轻量级的便签应用,具备编辑、分类、图片分享… 等基本笔记应用的功能。你可以使用它捕捉日常想法,并随时回看和打磨这些想法。

此外,创意便签 并不受限于这 100 多张创意卡片,即使作为一个独立开发的小工具,我也希望它有生长性。我认为每个人在实践中都能形成自己的经验和方法,即使在 AI 的时代,我们也不要轻易将思考的主动性交出去。因此,在 创意便签 中,你可以创建自己的创意卡片。

创造力并非与生俱来的天赋,它就像一块肌肉,随着练习会变得越来越强大。现在就通过 创意便签 来提升你的创造力吧!让它成为你发展创意思维的可靠伙伴。

iOS16 and later
iPhone X and later

Release Date:
Jan 3, 2025

InspireNote - Your personal idea generator & note app. | Product Hunt