
1.“Here Comes Santa Claus”——Bob Dylan
2.“Jed the Humanoid”——Grandaddy
4.“Song for You”——Alexi Murdoch
5.“Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”——Bob Dylan

3 thoughts on “晓禾依树电台第四期

  1. 第二首歌的歌词:
    Last night something pretty bad happened.
    We lost a friend,
    All shocked and broken,
    Shut down, exploded.
    JED-E3 is what we first called him.
    Then it was “Jed,”
    But Jed’s system’s dead.
    Therefore, so’s Jed.
    We assembled him in the Kitchen,
    Made out of this and
    Made out of that and
    Whatever was at hand.
    When we finished Jed we were so proud.
    We celebrated,
    We congratulated,
    At what we’d created.
    Jed could run or walk, sing or talk, and
    Compile thoughts, and
    Solve lots of problems.
    We learned so much from him.
    A couple years went by and something happened.
    We gave Jed less attention.
    We had new inventions.
    We left for a convention.
    Jed had found our booze and drank every drop.
    He fizzled and popped,
    He rattled and knocked,
    Finally he just stopped.

  2. 嘿嘿,为了圣诞祝福歌,我听到最后了哦。不过这一期真是让人思绪起伏啊——先倍感亲切听到了你久违的声音;然后你居然放2星期假哪儿也没去,暴殄天物啊暴殄!之后原来留白是为了考虑转行大事,嗯嗯,确实大事——最后你居然转过这么多次了——羡慕ing佩服ing支持ing……依依不舍地结束。



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